Gladys Valley Marine Sciences Auditorium -
Hatfield Science Center,
2030 SE Marine Science Drive
Newport, Oregon
Jessie Uehling, PhD, Mycologist at Oregon State University, and the Oregon Psilocybin Services (OPS) Advisory Board;
Angela Allbee, Manager, Oregon Psilocybin Services
With the Oregon Premiere Screening of
“Psychedelia: The History & Science of Mystical Experience” -
an hour-long documentary on the history of psychedelic substances and research, from the 1940s to the present.
Free for Lincoln County Mycological Society members (may sign-up at event) or $5-10 suggested donation.
Lincoln County Mycological Society
is a 501(c)3 educational non-profit founded in 1978. We do a number of educational talks and activities every year, including in-person “fungal forays” in the central coastal areas throughout the year. Membership is open to everyone, regardless of experience identifying, finding, cooking, or eating mushrooms! $10 individual or $15 family. Email for more information.
Jessie Uehling is a PhD Mycologist at Oregon State University whose research helped provide the framework for Oregon’s Measure 109 for the supervised adult use of psilocybin in the state. She serves on the Advisory Board of Oregon Psilocybin Services, the Oregon Health Authority’s department tasked with developed the regulatory framework for Measure 109.
Angela Allbee is the Manager of Oregon Psilocybin Services, the department of Oregon Health Authority tasked with developing the legal and regulatory framework for Measure 109, legalizing the supervised adult use of psilocybin in the state of Oregon.
An hour-long documentary on the modern history and use of psychedelics, from the 1930s to the present day, from the original discovery of indigenous uses and the synthesis of LSD in the 50s, through the sometimes fatal CIA experiments and into the 60s and 70s counter-culture that was followed by the (almost) global ban of all psychedelic substances in the early 70s. The film ends with a section on contemporary research and trials (primarily with psilocybin) for use in the treatments of PTSD, alcoholism, depression, and end-of-life care and cancer support therapy.
Oregon’s Psilocybin Future and Measure 109: Mushrooms, Mysticism, Trauma, & Healing
Satruday, OCTOBER 1st, 3-6pm
Gladys Valley Marine Studies Auditorium, Hatfield Marine Science Center, Newport OR
Disclaimer: Hatfield Marine Science Center, as part of Oregon State University, hosts university-sponsored events and rents its facility to other groups. Clients, such as presenters and performers, do not necessarily represent the views or policies of the university.